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About us

  上海佳泰机电设备有限公司是一家从事柴油发电机组生产、销售、租赁及维修服务的专业厂家。公司拥有先进的固定式与移动式相结合的柴油发电机组专业测试系统。 Shanghai Jiatai Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufacture specialized in the manufacture, sale, lease and maintenance of diesel generator units with the sophisticated diesel generator unit test system that can be fixed or portable. 致力于“顽强进取、刻意求真、竭诚服务”的企业文化建设,秉承质量是生产力的宗旨,全面开展研发、设计、制造、安装、调试、培训等内容,赢得顾客的一致认可。 We make all efforts to provide the best service to our customers and focus on the quality control. We provide the service like scientific research, design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and training, which are well recognized by the customers. “以人为本”的管理理念聚集了技术、管理、营销等专业人才,借助雄厚的资源优势及业界经验,为地产、机场、海关、酒店、商场、会议中心、会展中心等行业提供专业化的服务,产品畅销海内外。 Brilliant talent is considered the key factor in our management. We have attracted numerous excellent technical, managerial and sales staff. With the advantages in the resources and experience, we offer the best service to the real estate industry, airport, customs, hotel, shopping malls, conference center and exhibition center. etc and our products are well sold in the market at home and abroad. “不断创新、追求”是佳泰人的目标,以的产品和全方位的服务为顾客服务是佳泰人的承诺。 Continuous innovation and seeking for perfection is our goal. We are committed to satisfy our customers with the best products and service.